He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
- Isaiah 40:29-31

Monday, January 18, 2010

Moving Right Along

It really has been a while since I last sat down to write. I'm going to try to tell you all about everything that's been going on in the Czorapinski house over the past few months but I just might run out of steam before I finish. One because we've been into so much and two because Jullian Michael just kicked my butt. Anyway, we've been pretty blessed and I'd like to tell you all about it.

First, Christmas was wonderful. They boys were spoiled by Santa as well as their grandparents. They got way too many toys and we're still trying to find homes for all of them. They loved having our Elf on the Shelf Elliott around. Elliott would report back to Santa every night the details of the day. Some nights I swear that Elliott had to have lied because Santa still came. Noah's favorite part of the day was finding Elliott in his hiding spot each morning. Adam would remind everyone that Elliott was watching and Joshua enjoyed having little chats with him. Fun times. The spirit of Santa is alive and well in this house.

New Year's came along just the way we like it. Quiet and uneventful. Last year, we celebrated the new year with Jeff and Joshua at Hopkins getting chemo so this year we were thankful to have everyone under one roof. The boys celebrated by having some "bubbly juice" aka sparkling grape juice. Mind you that this was about 8 pm as Mommy and boys were in bed and snoozing by 10 pm! Whoo Hoo. Good times!

And now January is here. I just celebrated my, cough cough, 21st birthday and was treated to some new lenses for my camera. Expect some great pics to be posted soon. The boys are all still enjoying school and Joshua is cruising along in the world of chemo. Noah started lacrosse a few weeks ago and loves it. He is also set to play t-ball again this spring and is trying really hard in school. Jeff and I have had a lot of tough decisions to make as far as Noah and school but we're praying hard for the right answers and hopefully we'll make the choices that are best for him. Adam on the other hand has no problems with school. He is making friends, learning lots and is patiently waiting to turn 5 so that his "teeth with be loose" and he "can play soccer on the field." He is such a fun child. And our little man Joshua. Joshua has been in school surrounded by germs and junk since September. He has fought off colds and is taking his chemo and steroids like a champ. His last spinal tap went smoothly and he told all his teachers about how he got a needle in his back and "didn't even feel it because he was asleep."

And so this is what us Czorapinski's have been up to these days. We are looking forward to traveling to Nags Head for Easter and having a week to just enjoy some family time. Pray for some warmer weather and healthy kids.

1 comment:

Brenda said...

A friend of mine just posted on Facebook, whether or not you saw it, this quote: "Life is not perfect, it's just the way it is. How you choose to handle it is completely up to you". I thought that just about sums up the Czorapinski house members. It's the little things in life that keep us smiling. Instead of thinking we're losers for going to be on New Year's Eve at 9:00ish, I thought about how fortunate I was to be warm, happy, sheltered and loved with my family, just like you all were. God does good things for good people, I hope he's including us.