He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
- Isaiah 40:29-31

Monday, August 4, 2008

Bruises, Feet and Petting Babies

It has been such a busy weekend. The boys were busy playing outside and driving us crazy. Jeff and I spent the weekend planting trees, bushes and creating more flower gardens. I have no idea why we create more work for ourselves but we're very good at it. We were also treated on Friday night to a wonderful dinner. Our friends Paula and Mike came by to cook us up something special. Thanks again for dinner.

As far as Joshua, he did not get an infusion of platelets on Thursday. I have a feeling that is to the fault of the doctor and that he really should have gotten one. He is one bruised up mess right now. I believe that his platelets are still really low and that we will have to add an infusion tomorrow. I will not allow them to let him go with his platelets that low ever again. He also seems to have a new problem in the works. It seems as if the bottoms of his feet are chapped and cracked. Tonight I coated them with Aquaphor and made him sleep with socks on. He wasn't to happy with the lotion but I'm hoping that will help. Cracks in the skin can allow infection so we don't want to let that happen. Oh the fun times.

And today, Jeff's sister Amy and her husband Nick became the proud parents of baby Gianna. Jeff and I were able to escape our gang thanks to our wonderful neighbors Chris and Kelly. They watched the boys so that we could go to the hospital and meet our new niece. Thanks again guys for the lunch on Sunday and for keeping our gang under control while we were gone. And congrats to Amy and Nick on your new addition. Of course, when I told Noah about the baby he said he couldn't wait to "pet it." Good thing he was so young when his little brothers came along!

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